Friday, December 14, 2007

Cute pictures of Waldo

In this picture Waldo was being a little pot because he wouldn't look at the camera (well, I shouldn't say anything because Shane wouldn't look either).

Waldo has figured out that if he runs off with a sock, and we call him back and he drops it, he gets a kibble. On Monday he had his evsluations and he did really well, surprisingly enough. Thank goodness it was warm because the evals were outside.
I took this picture when I was laying on my side with Waldo next to me on the floor. He probably weighs 35lbs.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Stuff with Waldo

Hi everyone. Sorry it's been a long time since I updated. There's been alot going on.

Waldo weighs 27 lbs. He eats 1 cup of food three times a day. (So altogether he eats 3 cups of food a day.) Today he went to Best Buy, the library, the post ofice, and Heather's school in the band room. He greeted lots and lots of people though they were mostly little kids. When we were coming home from picking up Heather, we stopped to look at Christmas trees. So I told Waldo to get busy on the grass. Well, he pooped, right, so we left after Mom picked it up and it reeked so bad we were gagging. Mom told me to hang it out the window, so then she closed the window with the baggie hanging out. It was really funny because we were laughing all the way home.
On Sunday we took him to church and he slept through the sermon. He met all sorts of people. One woman is looking into becoming a raiser for Guiding Eyes. He absolutely loved being hugged, petted, rubbed, and cuddled. And this coming Monday he's going to have his quarterly evaluation which is like a checkup to see how he's doing in training and stuff.