Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Where Is Waldo Now?

Hi everyone! Just update as to how Waldo is...
Waldo is 14 months old, weighs about 60-70 pounds, and will be going to New York GEB Head Quarters sometime between December and March. GO WALDO!! Oh, and he will almost definitely be put on the breed eval; the end of Waldo and my road of friendship is almost in sight. Ah, it's gone by too fast. I'll show you a picture now.

We all know that Waldo wants to be a palm tree for Halloween...or hula girl, or whatever he's trying to be! Whatever he may try to be, he's always our own loving party animal Waldo!

"I didn't do that! It must have been someone else; you've got the wrong dog, I promise!"
An alternate one might have been: "And we all know that I have the cutest puppy-eyes!"
I'll try to post more often; it's kind of hard with my mountain of homework.
I have an article in the Goochland Gazette again!

Friday, August 1, 2008

GEB Puppy News

ARGHH!!! I keep forgetting to use Mom's computer instead of this one it has pictures on it than this one.....oh well. Anyway, next week we are going to Fairystone National Park for a week and a half and (wait for it) we're not taking Mr. Waldo. He is going to stay with a sitter. They say that they have a real swimming pool, not just a baby pool like what we have for the dogs. I think he'll have a blast. I think they said that they have a dog or two.
For other news, Gem (a GEB puppy Cathy's been raising) went up to NY headquarters last month for her IFT. In other words, the test they have to take to see if they get to be a guide dog or they go into the breeding colony. And, surprise surprise, Cathy did such a wonderful job as usual, that Gem PASSED!! So give Cathy and Gem a BIG round of applause!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Shane and My Guinea Pig, Maple

Oh my gosh, it was sooo funny. I recently got a six-week-old (now nine weeks) guinea pig that can fit in the palm of my hand! When I first got her, she would freak out and squeal loudly whenever Shane or Waldo came near. But this morning I was holding her on my lap and Shane came up and sniffed her. Amazingly, she started squeaking in delight. Maple turned around and started licking his nose. She kept licking him and then Shane turned and started licking her plump little underside. That's the first time that's happened. Next time I'll post a picture of her.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Waldo is Turning One Next Month

No, I'm not kidding. It seems like it was only yesterday when I published my first post, not knowing what a funny yellow Lab named Waldo would come to me, always eager for attention and yet always ready to be the world's fastest runner when he grabs something naughty. Waldo has been such fun to have around, the house will seem empty when he goes up to New York for his final evaluation. You know how us kids always say, "I want to be a fireman" or "I want to be an artist when I grow up"? We never realize that some people (or dogs, in this case) don't have a choice. To quote Shakespeare, "Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." I think Waldo is the third one, "some have greatness thrust upon them". If you think that I am making this all up, let me assure you I'm not.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Waldo's Jacket

Well, as you can see from the title, Waldo has his jacket! It's also hard to beleive he's turning 10 months old on the 17th. Here's a picture of Waldo in his jacket. We really should take a better picture. That's Sue in the yellow shirt. I should post a picture of Cathy too, but we don't have a picture of her. To my faithful readers, I'm trying to get back to writing every week.......oops! I have kind of neglected my blog, but I am trying to get back on track. Anyway, Waldo has been progressing rapidly with his training. He is definitely walking better on the leash, but I don'thandle him that much since he is very strong. Trust me on this one. Last week he had to go up to the Guiding Eyes facility in New York for his plugged tear duct that was making his eye run with yucky "eye boogers". That's what we call them. So now he has to be on a glue-like medicine that we have to apply for 42 days! Waldo was certainly happy to be home with his buddy, Shane. As you can see they can hardly share a bed any more, but they manage. Ha ha!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Yum, Yum

Waldo enjoys relaxing and chewing on his bone after going over all of his commands. He does well with: backup, sit, down, go place, kennel, lets go, get busy, sit and stay, down and stay, not yours, come and here.

He enjoys visiting at our church, Wal Mart, Best Buy and the library. He always likes seeing the smaller kids and people at church and the library.

Shane sharing with Waldo

Shane lets Waldo share his bed when they get tired out from playing or going on walks. Poor Shane, sometimes Waldo will crowd Shane right out of his own bed! Shane gets to have all of the bed at night when Waldo sleeps in his kennel.

First chance of water fun in March

I've been finishing up with school work so haven't spent much time working on the blog....sorry.
The first really warm day in March, we got the baby pool out for the dogs. Waldo loved playing in the water and didn't want to get out. He drank a lot so that meant that I had to keep taking him out to "get busy".

Monday, February 4, 2008

Long time, No blogging!

Hi everybody!
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas!

Waldo has gotten HUGE!! Next I'll post some pictures. Waldo now has to lay down before he can eat and we're working on his walking on a leash. I have to go now because we are about to eat dinner, but before I go let me say this, there's going to be alot of pictures next time!