Waldo is 14 months old, weighs about 60-70 pounds, and will be going to New York GEB Head Quarters sometime between December and March. GO WALDO!! Oh, and he will almost definitely be put on the breed eval; the end of Waldo and my road of friendship is almost in sight. Ah, it's gone by too fast. I'll show you a picture now.

We all know that Waldo wants to be a palm tree for Halloween...or hula girl, or whatever he's trying to be! Whatever he may try to be, he's always our own loving party animal Waldo!
"I didn't do that! It must have been someone else; you've got the wrong dog, I promise!"
An alternate one might have been: "And we all know that I have the cutest puppy-eyes!"
I'll try to post more often; it's kind of hard with my mountain of homework.
I have an article in the Goochland Gazette again!
Love your Waldo's costume! I'm a GEB raiser from Salisbury, MD, and love your blog. I'm keeping track of my Fina's progress with a blog too: http://finareport.blogspot.com/
It's been a wonderful experience raising her!
this is sarah and i just wanted to say that you are doing wonderful and are giving Waldo the greatest halloween choice
PS: I think it is most definitely a palm tree!!!
I am also a youth raiser for GEB. I especially like the older posts in your blog,because I get to see a little puppy. My puppy was 14 weeks when I got him,and was a wopping 30lbs. He goes back to Yorktown in May. I was excited to see on the GEB website that Waldo passed his IFT.
Good Job
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