Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Waldo is Gone.

Hi people. I know that I haven't written in a long time, and I apologize for that. But somehow I just couldn't bring myself to write. Waldo left in December. I had to wait until I was sure that Waldo had passed his IFT. The result: HE PASSED! He is now in his second stage of training. He has learned how to walk with a blind person, how to stop at a curb to signal the blind person that there is a curb there, and a lot of other stuff. He is living with a yellow female Lab; of course, he has been neutered.
He had been in a small town in NY but has now been moved to train in a big city. His trainer says that he is doing excellent, but he has some anxiety problems. Still, nothing too serious. At the rate he is going, he should graduate late this month or next month. Thank you for all your support throughout this ordeal. I want to personally thank my parents, for giving me hope when I thought all was lost, my sister, for always putting up with me, and, most of all, Cathy Foldesi and Sue Reznak for helping me and supporting me and giving me courage. Thank you. My best friend, Waldo, has turned out beautifully because of all your help. And to all the people at church, thank you for your prayers. But keep praying because this isn't over yet. THANK YOU, MY GEB FAMILY!


Anonymous said...

Hey Abbie,
I'm so glad to hear Waldo's doing well. I am a young raiser,too. I'm 14 and my dog,Hart is leaving next month. I know it'll be hard, but I'm staying at Yorktown Heights for the long Memorial Day weekend and volunteering in the kennels. So, I'll be able to watch Hart adjust, which should help. If Waldo hasn't graduated by then, I'll keep an eye out and maybe send you some pictures of him.

Abbie Allison said...

Thank you so much! That would be awesome.

Bethany, Dahlia, Julia, and GEB Lucky said...

I think I got pictures of Waldo when I went down to GEB in June. If I can find them I can send them to you if you want me to. Do you want me to? Btw, I raised Beau (a male yellow lab) and am now raising Dahlia (a female Yellow lab).