Monday, September 28, 2009

In school

Hey there everyone. I'm in Yearbook Class and yes I'm in school. I am very bored right now so I'm just updating the ol' blog. Yeah. Right now Mrs. Harden is yelling at everyone because they won't shut up! Uh-oh. Gotta go. Later!

Abbie A.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Puppy Sitting

Yes I am puppy sitting again. He is a 12 week old black lab named Lincoln. Can we say adorable?!! Lincoln walks well on the lead, knows his name, sit, down, stay (sort of), and come. He is a brand-new puppy to our region. We have to sit him because..... you know, I really don't know why I'm sitting him. Probably because one of Cathy's dogs got this viral intestinal thingy and the vet said to be cautious with her around other dogs. Tomorrow we are going to drop him off at Cathy's house so the soon-to-be raiser can pick him up. Anyway, I'm glad we are sitting him. He's SO CUTE!!! Will post picture later! Later!


Friday, September 4, 2009


Hello everybody! Today is September 4th, 2009 and I have great news!! Okay, so I haven't gotten a chance to blog recently because we started school on the 24th of August, but Waldo has been paired with a lady from New Hampshire. Until I email her and ask, I'll not mention her name but anyway. Last week I received a package in the mail from GEB. I opened it and there was Waldo's certificate, my certificate, and some other papers. But the most important thing was the photograph of Waldo and his new, um, guidee?? Partner? I don't know. You pick one. Anyhoo, the picture was gorgeous and Waldo, he's such a poser, his nose has turned pink again. Funny, huh?

And then last weekend we sat a 5 month old blonde Lab for two days and a night. His name was Otis. We also got an email from Cathy saying that if at all possible, could we sit a brand-new ten week old Lab named Lincoln. Mom says that she thinks Cathy is trying to entice us back into raising. Trust me, I would love to raise another one but I can't because of school and Mom working. Okay, well, I'll post you later! Peace out!
