Friday, December 14, 2007
Cute pictures of Waldo

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Stuff with Waldo
Waldo weighs 27 lbs. He eats 1 cup of food three times a day. (So altogether he eats 3 cups of food a day.) Today he went to Best Buy, the library, the post ofice, and Heather's school in the band room. He greeted lots and lots of people though they were mostly little kids. When we were coming home from picking up Heather, we stopped to look at Christmas trees. So I told Waldo to get busy on the grass. Well, he pooped, right, so we left after Mom picked it up and it reeked so bad we were gagging. Mom told me to hang it out the window, so then she closed the window with the baggie hanging out. It was really funny because we were laughing all the way home.
On Sunday we took him to church and he slept through the sermon. He met all sorts of people. One woman is looking into becoming a raiser for Guiding Eyes. He absolutely loved being hugged, petted, rubbed, and cuddled. And this coming Monday he's going to have his quarterly evaluation which is like a checkup to see how he's doing in training and stuff.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Waldo and the Vet and Birthday Party
Well, yesterday we took Waldo to the veterinarian clinic for a checkup. He weighs 19.8 pounds and we had to up his food intake to 1 cup of food 3 times a day. The staff and the doctor were very nice and he got plenty of attention. I got to look through the microscope at Waldo's fecal sample. It was kind of cool, and the good thing was there were no bugs, worms, etc.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Happy 12 week birthday, Waldo!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Stuff Waldo Does
5am- gets up, goes potty, I make him go back to sleep
6am- Mom comes to get Waldo to feed him 3/4 cup of puppy kibble
6:30/7:30am- Waldo takes morning nap, then I take him out to "go"
7:30/7:45am- plays with Shane, biting his tail and stuff
11/11:30am- Waldo gets fed again
So you get the basic idea of what he does in the morning. This is what he does in the afternoon:
3pm- eats with Shane
3:30/4pm- sleeps in laundry room or in kennel
Wado knows his "sit" very well along with his name and "stand". He's doing very well on the lead and everything, so all and all, Waldo's doing very well. Yesterday we went and walked around at some stores and Waldo got to ride in the car with us, so he was all tired out when we got home.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Waldo and the Broom
Friday, October 26, 2007
Oh my.
I'll try to post a short video clip of Waldo and Shane tomorrow. Waldo likes to stalk Shane and then jump like a kangaroo onto Shane.
Have a nice weekend.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday- Oct 23

Saturday, October 20, 2007
Guess what?
Friday, October 19, 2007
W-A-L-D-O and Waldo is his name oh.....
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
IT'S A BOY!!!!
It's most definitely a boy. Cathy (the one who had Intrigue) said that his name started with an "R", something like Raymond, or something like that. She didn't know for sure. The regional manager said that he's a yellow Lab (kind of like Intrigue). We'll probably get him on Monday afternoon because we will be out of town during the morning. I'll post a bunch of pictures as soon as we get him!! My mom made a slideshow and once she finishs it I'll post it. Today is Wednesday, October 17, 2007.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Cold weather. YUCK!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Sad Shane

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Day 5 of Puppy Sitting "The Last Day"

We went on our morning walk at 6am and it was foggy and spooky out. Shane and her played steal the toys from each other this morning. It was really funny to watch. She is now taking her morning nap and I need to hurry and get busy on my school work. I am happy that I now have my blog updated and hopefully I'll keep it that way.
In about 2 weeks we should receive our first puppy to start. This is going to be really fun...with all the potty training, teaching commands, and learning to walk on a leash. It's going to be very busy. When we get the puppy, it should be between 8-12 weeks old. We don't know if it will be a male or female or what color it will be...it doesn't really matter.
Day 4 of Puppy Sitting
She woke up at 5:30am and Heather took her out and then came in and woke me up. She wanted to know if she should go ahead and feed her.....so much for sleeping in!
I went back to sleep. Mom and Dad went for a walk with Shane and the puppy without me so I could sleep.
As you can see, she and Shane played a lot yesterday morning and then she took a nice long nap so I could finish all my school work. They played a lot outside yesterday. One of the games that they played was chase all around the yard. She ran laps around the garden while Shane chased her. Then they played tackle....Shane tackled and she tumbled. Then she tried to tackle and played dirty and bit his ears. Ow!
Day 3 of Puppy Sitting

Day 2 of puppy sitting

Her and Shane love to play in the house and yard. I do have to keep an eye on her so that she doesn't eat or chew anything that is not good for her.
Day 1 of puppy sitting